
Ruth: An Interlude of Love

Tim Connelly

15th May 2022

In this message, Tim Connelly explores the beautiful interlude of love - the book of Ruth - and draws out insights for us around what a Kinsman Redeemer was in ancient Israel, and how Jesus exists as the Kinsman Redeemer of anyone who chooses to trust Him today.

Who's on the Throne?

Ps Joel Hawting

8th May 2022

In this message, Joel Hawting digs into the tragic book of Judges and reminds us that - just like the Israelites - we’re also in serious trouble if God isn’t on the throne of our hearts and lives as our King.

The Battle is the Lord's!

Ps Joel Hawting

1st May 2022

In this message, Joel Hawting reflects on the bizarre battle plan God gave Joshua to follow in taking Jericho and reminds us that while the battles we face are very different, God gives us a similarly bizarre battle plan in our battles: God invites us to fight our battles by giving up.


Laura Hawting

24th April 2022

In this message, Laura Hawting explores the remarkable account in Numbers where God uses a pagan diviner - Balaam - to speak blessings over the nation of Israel, and reminds us that God treats us in much the same way: despite our continued sin and rebellion, God refuses to let go of or give up on us and wants to continually pour out His blessings on us.

New Life With Jesus

Ps Joel Hawting

17th April 2022

In this Easter Sunday message, Ps Joel Hawting explores the account of Jesus’ encounter with two disciples on the road to Emmaus in Luke 24, and shares three key truths we can learn from this encounter about how Jesus wants to interact and be with people today.

Leviticus, The Law & Good Friday

Ps Joel Hawting

15th April 2022

In this Good Friday message, Ps Joel Hawting explores the Old Testament book of Leviticus and encourages us to consider what’s actually at the heart of the book: Leviticus is a book that outlines how sinful humanity can come near to a Holy God and foreshadows the final work Jesus performed on the cross (Note: the end of the message was unfortunately not recorded due to a technical error).

Bible: A Big Picture View

Tim Connelly

3rd April 2022

In this message, Tim Connelly complements our God’s Story series by taking a big picture view of the Bible, exploring in detail how the Bible is God’s story describing the Creation, Fall, Redemption, and Restoration of mankind.

God Delivers us for Covenant

Ps Joel Hawting

27th March 2022

In this message, Ps Joel Hawting continues in God’s Story by exploring the book of Exodus and reminding us what it was that God delivered His people for - deep, personal, covenantal relationship with Him.

God Almighty, Mighty to Save!

Peter Rogers

20th March 2022

In this message, Peter Rogers explores the 10 plagues that Pharaoh faced as a result of standing against God, and encourages us to learn from Pharaoh's example and resolve to not make the same mistake he did in refusing to follow and trust in God.

Joseph & The Sovereignty of God

Ps Joel Hawting

13th March 2022

In this message, Ps Joel Hawting takes an in-depth look at the life of Joseph and reminds us that while we often don't know what's actually going on in our lives and can struggle to see purpose in suffering, God is sovereign, He never leaves our side, and is always looking to turn evil back towards His good purposes - just like He did for Joseph.