Gerry Beimers
10th november 2024
In this message, Gerry Beimers continues our Parables of Jesus series and explores a parable that’s often misunderstood and difficult to understand; the Parable of the Fig Tree from Luke 13:6-9.
Continuing in our theme of a God of New Beginnings, Dr Peter Rogers takes us into the story of the encounter of a few fishermen with Jesus as he calls them to be disciples (Matthew 4:18-22). This encounter raises three questions for us: Is God calling you to something new in 2025? How will you respond if Jesus makes the call? How can I fish for people in my calling?
In this message, Gerry Beimers continues our Parables of Jesus series and explores a parable that’s often misunderstood and difficult to understand; the Parable of the Fig Tree from Luke 13:6-9.