Idols of the Heart: Approval

Ps Joel Hawting

20th august 2023

In the final message from our Idols of the Heart series, Ps Joel Hawting shares about the danger of seeking the approval of man instead of God, and encourages all of us to recognise - if we’ve placed our faith in Jesus - that we’re already completely approved by God.

Idols of the Heart: Comfort

Ps Joel Hawting

13th august 2023

In the third message from our Idols of the Heart series, Ps Joel Hawting encourages us to resist the urge to chase after the many temporary comforts our world prioritises and values, instead embracing eternal comfort that is ours to enjoy through relationship with Jesus Christ.

It Takes a Village (to Shepherd a Child's Heart)

Ps Joel Hawting

6th August 2023

In this message, Ps Joel Hawting encourages all people to recognise that it takes a village to shepherd a child's heart to know and love and follow Jesus, and challenges us to commit ourselves to growing as spiritual influencers who help to positively shepherd children’s hearts.

Idols of the Heart: Control

Laura Hawting

30th July 2023

In the second message from our Idols of the Heart series, Laura Hawting encourages us to trust our loving, almighty, God who promises good to all those who seek Him, rather than getting caught up in trying to control and seek mastery over our lives.

Idols of the Heart: Power

Ps Joel Hawting

23rd July 2023

In the first message from our Idols of the Heart series, Ps Joel Hawting explains the nature of idol worship and encourages us to complete a spiritual heart ‘check-up’ so we can discern where our own hearts are divided, and commit to renewing our hearts so we truly worship God and God alone.

Galatians: Living as Children of God

Laura Hawting

16th July 2023

In the final message from our Galatians series, Laura Hawting reminds us that not only are we saved by Christ alone, but we are adopted into God’s own family as His sons and daughters - and encourages us to live life in light of this remarkable, freeing truth.

Galatians: Salvation by Christ Alone

Ps Joel Hawting

9th July 2023

In the first message from our Galatians series, Ps Joel Hawting explores the Apostle Paul’s letter to the church in Galatia who were at risk of trusting in things other than Christ for their salvation and urges us all to wholeheartedly understand that we are saved by Christ alone.

Gospel Culture: Hospitality

Ps Joel Hawting

2nd July 2023

In the final message from our Gospel Culture series, Ps Joel Hawting encourages all of us to commit wholeheartedly to playing our part in fostering a Gospel Culture at Liberty, by showing generous hospitality to one another.

Jesus is Coming!

Peter Rogers

18th June 2023

In this message, Peter Rogers encourages his hearers to not only look back on what Jesus has done, at how God is at work in our world and lives currently, but also to eagerly look forward to Jesus’ return.

Gospel Culture: Love

Ps Joel Hawting

11th June 2023

In the second message from our Gospel Culture series, Ps Joel Hawting encourages all his hearers to embody the Gospel by responding to Jesus’ command in John 13:34-35 to love one another in the same way Jesus has loved us.