
Easter Sunday 2024

Ps Joel Hawting

31ST march 2024

In this year’s Easter Sunday message, Ps Joel Hawting encourages us to remember that Jesus didn’t only die to pay the price for our sins, but Jesus died to make dead people come alive; to see all people everywhere living and enjoying abundant life in relationship with God, now and forevermore.

Good Friday 2024

Laura Hawting

29th march 2024

In this year’s Good Friday message, Laura Hawting leads us in remembering Jesus’ ultimate act of love and sacrifice on our behalf - His death on the cross for the sins of all mankind - so that we might have life and enjoy a relationship with Him.

Faith & Work: In My Retirement

Ps Joel Hawting

3rd march 2024

In this message, Ps Joel Hawting hosts our final Faith & Work panel discussion with three members of Liberty Family Church - Christine, Marylin, & Ray - who share how they partner with God in their retirement; for His glory, and the good of others.

Faith & Work: In My Home

Ps Joel Hawting

3rd march 2024

In this message, Ps Joel Hawting hosts our second Faith & Work panel discussion with four members of Liberty Family Church - Cam, Joe, Laura, & Ruth - who share how they partner with God as parents to raise children who know and love Him; for His glory, and the good of others.

Faith & Work: In My Workplace

Ps Joel Hawting

18th February 2024

In this message, Ps Joel Hawting hosts a Faith & Work panel discussion with four members of Liberty Family Church - Clarissa, Gerry, Justin, & Peter - who share how they partner with God in their respective workplaces; for His glory, and the good of others.

Faith & Work: Serving the Lord

Ps Joel Hawting

11th february 2024

In this message, Ps Joel Hawting introduces our Faith & Work series, encouraging us to see every single thing we invest our time and energies in as ‘work’; opportunities to serve and honour God as we go about our daily lives, and further His Kingdom in the world.

Elders: Caring for God's Church

Ps Joel Hawting

4th February 2024

In this message, Ps Joel Hawting shares an overview explaining why Liberty Family Church is an elder-led church, why elders are appointed and what they're called by God to do, and how each of us can best support our elders as they faithfully follow and serve God, and encourage us to faithfully follow and serve God too.

Gentle & Lowly: I'm Always Interceding

Ps Joel Hawting

28th JANUARY 2024

In the final message from our Gentle & Lowly series, Ps Joel Hawting encourages us to remember that Jesus cares for us so deeply that He’s moved to pray for us constantly; Jesus is always interceding for us before His Father.

Gentle & Lowly: My Very Heart

Ps Joel Hawting

21st JANUARY 2024

In the second message from our Gentle & Lowly series, Ps Joel Hawting reminds us that Jesus’ heart leads Him to approach us with sympathy and compassion as we struggle with sin or challenges in life, and also leads Him to deal gently with us in our times of need.

Gentle & Lowly: Who I Am

Ps Joel Hawting

14th JANUARY 2024

In this message, Ps Joel Hawting introduces our new Gentle & Lowly series by encouraging us to take a closer look at Matthew 11:28-30 so we can discover how Jesus describes Himself; as gentle and lowly in heart.