Ps Joel Hawting
13th october 2024
In this message, Ps Joel Hawting reflects on the immutable nature of God and encourages us to remember that while change is a constant reality for us, God never changes and He never will.
Continuing in our theme of a God of New Beginnings, Dr Peter Rogers takes us into the story of the encounter of a few fishermen with Jesus as he calls them to be disciples (Matthew 4:18-22). This encounter raises three questions for us: Is God calling you to something new in 2025? How will you respond if Jesus makes the call? How can I fish for people in my calling?
In this message, Ps Joel Hawting reflects on the immutable nature of God and encourages us to remember that while change is a constant reality for us, God never changes and He never will.
In this message, Ps Joel Hawting explores what the Bible teaches about technology and encourages us to be Spirit-led in how we approach - and utilise - technology in our everyday lives.
In this message, Ps Joel Hawting hosts our final Faith & Work panel discussion with three members of Liberty Family Church - Christine, Marylin, & Ray - who share how they partner with God in their retirement; for His glory, and the good of others.
In this message, Ps Joel Hawting hosts our second Faith & Work panel discussion with four members of Liberty Family Church - Cam, Joe, Laura, & Ruth - who share how they partner with God as parents to raise children who know and love Him; for His glory, and the good of others.
In this message, Ps Joel Hawting hosts a Faith & Work panel discussion with four members of Liberty Family Church - Clarissa, Gerry, Justin, & Peter - who share how they partner with God in their respective workplaces; for His glory, and the good of others.
In this message, Ps Joel Hawting introduces our Faith & Work series, encouraging us to see every single thing we invest our time and energies in as ‘work’; opportunities to serve and honour God as we go about our daily lives, and further His Kingdom in the world.
In the final message from our Spirit LED series, Ps Joel Hawting encourages us to make 2024 the year where we learn to keep in step with Holy Spirit and allow Him to cultivate His beautiful fruit in our lives.
In the final message from our Songs of Hope Christmas series, Ps Joel Hawting explores the well-known (but often misunderstood) hymn - God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen - and challenges us to allow the good news of Jesus to keep us merry no matter the circumstances or challenges we face as we live in our broken and hurting world.
In the second message from our Songs of Hope Christmas series, Ps Joel Hawting explores William Chatterton Dix’s well-known hymn - What Child is This? - and encourages us to consider afresh who Jesus is, how He came to earth, what He came to do, and how we should respond to Him.
In the first message from our Songs of Hope Christmas series, Ps Joel Hawting explores one of Charles Wesley’s most famous hymns - Come Thou Long Expected Jesus - and urges us to reflect on the ancient, future, and present hope it offers us as we approach Christmas this year.