
Connect Group Experience!

Ps Joel Hawting

16th April 2023

In this message, Ps Joel Hawting leads us in a Connect Group Experience utilising a Bible Project Reflection podcast by Tim Mackie called ‘How to Live Wisely’ (accessible here: https://bibleproject.com/podcast/how-to-live-wisely/).

Easter Sunday

Peter Rogers

9th April 2023

In this Easter Sunday message, Peter Rogers continues to reflect on the wonder of Jesus’ death on the cross and resurrection from the dead means for us, by finishing off Focus on the Family’s SAVE acronym - reminding us that victory (V) and eternal life (E) can be ours if we place our faith in Jesus Christ.

Good Friday

Ps Joel Hawting

7th April 2023

In this Good Friday message, Ps Joel Hawting reflects on why Jesus had to die by sharing the SAVE acronym (courtesy of Focus on the Family) that reminds us that while sin separates us from God (S) Jesus made a way back to God (A) through His death on the cross for the sins of the world.

The Messiah

Peter Rogers

2nd April 2023

In this message, Peter Rogers helps us to look forward to the events of Easter by reflecting on Lazarus’ death, Jesus’ power in raising him from the dead, and the way that this event points to Jesus being exactly who He claimed to be - the anointed one; the promised Messiah.

Discernment & Wisdom

Ps Joel Hawting

26th MArch 2023

In this message, Ps Joel Hawting explores what discernment is, why it’s so important, and encourages each of us by outlining some of the key ways we are able to grow in discernment with Holy Spirit’s help.

Resting Well

Ps Joel Hawting

15th january 2023

In this message, Ps Joel Hawting encourages us by expanding on four key principles - shared in Amy DiMarcangelo’s great article: Am I Resting or Just Being Lazy? - to help us to grow in discernment so we can better recognise the difference between rest and laziness, and learn to rest well.

Saying, Doing & Salvation


Ps Joel Hawting

6th December 2020

In this message, Ps Joel Hawting explores some of Jesus’ most confronting words found in Matthew 7:21-23 and encourages us to remember that nothing we do or say justifies us before God - we are justified through faith in Jesus Christ alone.

Trees, Fruit & False Prophets


Ps Joel Hawting

29th November 2020

In this message, Ps Joel Hawting explores Jesus’ teaching from Matthew 7:15-20 about the dangers of false prophets and urges us all to be spiritually discerning in order to not be led astray by wolves in sheep’s clothing.