Peter Owen
16th February 2025
In this message, visiting speaker Peter Owen share is insights into the implications of imitating Christ.
Continuing in our theme of a God of New Beginnings, Dr Peter Rogers (one of the Elders of Liberty Family Church) takes us into the story of the resurrection of Lazarus (John 11:1-44). Peter considers how his resurrection would have changed Lazarus’ life. Peter makes the case that such miracles bring faith, confirm faith and increase faith.
Continuing in our theme of a God of New Beginnings, Dr Peter Rogers (one of the Elders of Liberty Family Church) takes us into the story of the encounter of Nicodemus with Jesus. in John 3:1-15. This encounter sees Nicodemus wrestling with the notion of how someone can be born again.
In this message, visiting speaker Peter Owen share is insights into the implications of imitating Christ.
In this message, visiting speaker Chris Blacker, shares his analogy of the church as a vehicle. He gets us to come along and learn about the church by considering a family round Australia trip he and his wife and three boys took some years ago.
In this message, continuing in the theme, The God of New Beginnings, Gerry Beimers (one of the elders of Liberty Family Church) takes a look at the implications for us in the establishment of the Passover. The story is found in Exodus 12.
In our first message for 2025, Gerry Beimers (one of the elders of Liberty Family Church) begins with a look at the implications for us in the call of Abraham. The story is found in Genesis 11:27 - 12:7.
In his final message as Lead Pastor at Liberty Family Church, Pastor Joel Hawting shares from Micah 6:8, encouraging us to make 2025 truly meaningful by living out justice, showing steadfast kindness, and walking humbly with our God.