
Pride vs Humility

Ps Joel Hawting

26th February 2023

In this message, Ps Joel Hawting explores what scripture has to say about one of the key things that keeps us from experiencing fullness of life with God - pride - and encourages us to resist pride by embracing humility.

Going on in Grace

Ps Joel Hawting

4th December 2022

In this message, Ps Joel Hawting encourages us to learn from the church in Galatia who started strong in the new life with Christ but were led astray by false teachers, and guard our hearts, keep in step with Holy Spirit, and refuse to exchange the life-giving Gospel of Jesus Christ for any other lesser ‘gospel’ such as salvation by works.

Marriage: Christ & The Church

Ps Joel Hawting

27th November 2022

In this message, Ps Joel Hawting explores Ephesians 5 and encourages us to see Paul’s teaching as being not only good news for married couples but good news for all people. Why? Because Paul’s teaching on marriage serves as a metaphor - a powerful illustration - that highlights Christ's unfailing desire for and unending commitment to the church.