Chris Blacker
30th JuNE 2024
In this message, Chris Blacker - Life Ministry Church - encourages us to take every thought captive to live in the freedom Christ has won for us.
Continuing in our theme of a God of New Beginnings, Dr Peter Rogers (one of the Elders of Liberty Family Church) takes us into the story of the resurrection of Lazarus (John 11:1-44). Peter considers how his resurrection would have changed Lazarus’ life. Peter makes the case that such miracles bring faith, confirm faith and increase faith.
Continuing in our theme of a God of New Beginnings, Dr Peter Rogers (one of the Elders of Liberty Family Church) takes us into the story of the encounter of Nicodemus with Jesus. in John 3:1-15. This encounter sees Nicodemus wrestling with the notion of how someone can be born again.
In this message, Chris Blacker - Life Ministry Church - encourages us to take every thought captive to live in the freedom Christ has won for us.
In this message, Laura Hawting encourages us to embrace the life in abundance Jesus has for us by ‘Frying ANTS’ - destroying any Automatic Negative Thoughts and lies we believe - by applying the truth of God’s Word as a healing balm for our souls.
In the fifth and final message from our Armour of God series, Ps Joel Hawting explores the significance of the Sword of the Spirit, and reflects on the crucial role the Word of God - scripture - plays in protecting and preserving His people and His good plans for the world.
In the final message from our Gentle & Lowly series, Ps Joel Hawting encourages us to remember that Jesus cares for us so deeply that He’s moved to pray for us constantly; Jesus is always interceding for us before His Father.
In the second message from our Hearts to … SERVE. PRAY. GIVE series, Ps Joel Hawting challenges us to grow as people who communicate regularly and joyfully with God, who enjoy relationship with Him, and ask and trust Him to do the things that only He can do through faithful prayer.
In this message, Ps Joel Hawting wraps up his series on Ephesians by exploring Ephesians 6:10-24 (ESV) and encourages us to remember two important things: while we have a very real enemy who's actively working to destroy us, God has provided all that we need to fight and has perfectly equipped us for battle.
In this short encouragement, Elly Lloyd - Relationships Manager, Open Doors Australia - encourages us to join with our sisters and brothers overseas who are persecuted for their faith by doing the best and most powerful thing we can possibly do: pray for them.
In this message, Ps Joel Hawting explores Paul’s prayer of thanksgiving in Ephesians 1:15-23 and suggests that we have a lot in common with the people in the church at Ephesus and would do well to listen to Paul’s encouragement; especially when it comes to dealing with modern-day idols that so often distract us from living for and worshipping the one true God.
In the final message from the Prayer Changes series, Ps Joel Hawting encourages us to play our role in changing the world by praying for the world and leads us in an extended time of praying for persecuted believers in Eastern Asia, India, and North Korea, and the ministry of Open Doors.
In the second message from the Prayer Changes series, Ps Joel Hawting reminds us that prayer actually does change us and often - as it did for Brother Andrew - prayer is often the tool that God uses to shape, refine and change us so we can better serve Him in life.