
Hearts to ... SERVE.

Ps Joel Hawting

5th February 2023

In this message, Ps Joel Hawting launches into a new series - Hearts to … SERVE. PRAY. GIVE - by exploring Philippians 2:1-11 and encouraging us to have the same heart as that of Christ Jesus - one of sacrificial service and other-centeredness.

Unity in the Church

Ps Joel Hawting

28th November 2021

In this message, Ps Joel Hawting explores Ephesians 4:1-16 and reminds us that we have not been called to build unity in the church but have been called to maintain the unity Jesus made possible through His victory over sin and death and shares three expressions of unity that Paul says the gospel will lead us in as His church.

One in Christ

Ps Joel Hawting

31st October 2021

In this message, Ps Joel Hawting continues our Ephesians series by exploring Ephesians 2:11-22 where Paul continues on contrasting the old with the new, by exploring where we once were – as Gentiles (non-Jewish people), and where we are – or can be now! – because of Jesus Christ.

Unity & Diversity

Ps Joel Hawting

19th September 2021

In this message, Ps Joel Hawting encourages all of us to play our part in seeing God’s ideal church flourish - one of unity and diversity - by being patient, kind and loving towards everyone: especially towards those who hold different views than we do on matters of conscience.